Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tonight: Cinema Grill !!

Just a reminder that Roots is going to Cinema Grill tomorrow night, Thursday November 18th.

Friends, siblings and parents are invited to join us!

Cost is $10 for Youth and $12 for Adults and includes pizza, popcorn, soda and the movie Mega Minds.

The Cinema Grill (movie/dinner theater) located at 86th and Ditch Road (1289 West 86th Street, 254-1995). Drop off for the movie is at 6:15pm at Cinema Grill. The movie starts at 6:45pm. Carpooling would be a good idea for this event.

Please remember that all youth and their guests must have a medical consent form on file in order to participate. I've attached the medical consent form to this email.

Questions? Call Lise Hayes at 797-4700

Hope to see you there!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Serving: Nursing Home

On Thursday, November 4th, we took a group of students to the nursing home. It was a great time for them to get out and meet some of the "older" individuals in the nursing home. They did a great job fellowshipping with them and playing BINGO. I always feel "odd" snapping photos at us serving and in "their space". So, I limited it to 5 photos and w/o the flash. So, here are a few photos to show us out and about.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Here is the "philosophy" of ministry that we will be using within our student ministry at Christ The Savior. The philosophy of ministry is "our tool" to help us (as a student ministry) reach the mission of our church: Reaching people to know, love and serve Christ.

If you have a ministry thought or suggestion that we can do in each one of these areas, please let us know.

Bingo: Harbour Manor

Harbour Manor is located at 1667 Sheridan Road in Noblesville. We are asking parents to drop their students off at 6:45. Our meeting time will be 7-8 pm. Parents, please pick the students up at that time. We will be visiting with the residents of the Manor and playing bingo with them. We hope to see you there.